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10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations
July 4 - 6, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
2nd Announcement and Call for Mini-Symposia
Dear colleague,
Let me bring to your attention the 10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations that will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, in July 4 - 6, 2022, under the joint organization of the Department of Civil Engineering, NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon (DEC/FCT/UNL) and IDMEC – Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon (IDMEC/IST/UL).
This announcement is intended as the 2nd Call for Mini-Symposia with the deadline indicated as 31st of May 2021.
It is also possible to express interest in participation in WMVC 2022. Both types of participation will be possible, remote or in-person. See the web page for more details.
Kindly distribute the information about the conference among your friends and colleagues who might be interested.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Looking forward to meeting you in Lisbon in July 2022.
Yours truly,
Zuzana Dimitrovová
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